Next meet-up Thursday 3rd December 6:30pm

Join us at RMIT’s Swanston Academic Building , 445 Swanston Street Melbourne (Building 80, Level 2, Room 3 – ground floor enter off Swanston St)

  • Technical update from the Apple SE Team
  • Lightning talks (5-10 minutes) from fellow apple admins
  • Refreshments after at the Oxford Scholar (next door)
  • Please RSVP via the eventbrite link


About Melbourne Apple Admins

Do you manage Macs, iPads, iPhones… even Apple TVs?

There are a whole bunch of us in Melbourne that are either old hands or fresh to the world of administering Apple devices. The meet-ups are a place to hear short “lightning talks” from your fellow admins about something cool they have been working on, or to listen to a longer presentation from a vendor (no sales pitches – we’re all nerds here!). After the ‘official’ part of the evening it’s off to a local watering hole for refreshments and tall tales from the coal face.