Next Meet up Thursday 15th March 2018

We are back at Culture Amp for the March Meet Up for Melbourne Apple Admins at their offices located at 10/31 Queen Street Melbourne. Jamf are generously sponsoring the food and beverages with proceedings kicking off at 6:30pm. Join us to hear

  • Discuss all the news and releases relevant to the Apple ecosystem
  • Jamf discussing their recent product releases
  • Nindi Gill from University of Melbourne Apple Platforms Team – “Empowering our Mac people with a streamlined on boarding experience”
  • Jon Rhoades from St Vincents Institute – “Monitoring the JSS Server, or how I learnt to love the log”

Please RSVP via Eventbrite so we know how many attendees to cater for.

If you have something you would like to present, or any questions – get in touch via the contact form on the homepage, and don’t forget to follow us on twitter or visit the #anzmac channel on the MacAdmins Slack Team

Next meet up Thursday 28th September

REA Group are hosting the September meet up for Melbourne Apple Admins at their offices at 511 Church Street Richmond. Proceedings kick off at 6:30pm, come along to hear

  • Joe Cox from Apple presenting a technical update
  • Craig Hair showing us some of the tools he has created for connecting to the Department of Education network
  • Jon Rhoades presenting the results of the salary survey from the July meet up
  • REA will show us how they manage their fleet of Apple devices
  • Discuss all the news and events relevant to the Apple ecosystem

Please RSVP via Eventbrite so we know how many attendees to cater for.

Feel free to contact us via the link on the homepage, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter or visit the #anzmac channel on the MacAdmins Slack Team

Next meet up Thursday July 27th

Seek are hosting the July meet up for Melbourne Apple Admins at their offices on Level 3, 541 St Kilda Road. Proceedings will begin at 6:30pm

  • discuss all of the events and releases in the Apple ecosystem
  • panel discussion on integrating DEP into complex environments
  • our hosts Seek will show us some of the things they have been working on
  • more to come!

Please RSVP via Eventbrite so we know how many attendees to cater for

Feel free to contact us via the link on the homepage, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter or visit the #anzmac channel on the MacAdmins Slack Team

Next Meet-up Thursday May 4th

CultureAmp are hosting the May meet-up for Melbourne Apple Admins in their new offices at Level 10/31 Queen Street Melbourne. Proceedings will begin at 6:30pm – Note the change back to a Thursday evening!

  • Discuss all the new releases and changes to the Apple ecosystem
  • Stuart Lamont presents “A Tale of Automation”
  • Damian Cavanagh will be showing us some iPad robotics – “These ARE the droids you’re looking for”
  • Our hosts Culture Amp will show us some of their employee feedback products

Please RSVP via Eventbrite so we know how many attendees to cater for

Feel free to contact us via the link on the homepage, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter or visit the #anzmac channel on the MacAdmins Slack Team

Next Meet-up Wednesday 15th March

Splunk will be our hosts for the March meet-up at their Melbourne HQ (lvl 16 North Tower Rialto, 525 Collins St Melbourne) – please ensure you arrive by 5:45PM as security close the lifts at 6PM!

  • John Rhoades will be presenting “You won’t believe these 4 techniques to make your Macs more secure”
  • Tania Dastres will be showing us “Trigger: A WebView splash screen for DEP”
  • Hear about Splunk and how it could be integrated into your environment
  • Discuss all of the recent and impending changes to the Apple ecosystem

RSVPs via Eventbrite are essential for this meet-up

Feel free to contact us via the form on the homepage. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter


Next meet-up Wednesday 12th October 6:30pm

Slack have generously offered to host the October meet-up in their new APAC HQ at The Maltstore (Level 1, 551 Swanston St Carlton) – Note the change to a Wednesday evening for this month’s meet-up

  • hear how Slack is used at Slack
  • James Smith talks about IT onboarding for new staff
  • David Baverstock presents “Leveraging AutoDMG and VFuse to deploy up to date Virtual Machines”
  • we discuss the iOS 10 and Sierra releases

RSVPs via Eventbrite are essential for this meet-up

Feel free to contact us via the form on the homepage. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter


Next Meet-up Thursday 1st September 6:30pm

Join us at RMIT’s Swanston Academic Building , 445 Swanston Street Melbourne (Building 80, Level 3, Room 6 –  up the escalators and turn right past the IT Service Point)

  • Live demo from John Parnaby  – “Managing Macs in the stone-age” showing how Macs were managed pre-OS X
  • Stuart Lamont presenting “Outlook signature automation”
  • Have you been working on something that the Apple admin community might find interesting? Why not give a 5 minute lighnting talk to the rest of the group?
  • Refreshments afterwards at the Oxford Scholar

RSVP via the Eventbrite link

Feel free to contact us via the form on the homepage. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.


Next Meet-up Thursday 2nd June

Join us at RMIT’s Swanston Academic Building , 445 Swanston Street Melbourne (Building 80, Level 3, Room 6 –  up the escalators and turn right past the IT Service Point)

  • Adobe will be our guest presenters – giving away a 1 year Adobe CC subscription to one lucky attendee
  • Have you been working on something that the Apple admin community might find interesting? Why not give a 5 minute lighting talk to the rest of the group?
  • refreshments afterwards at the Oxford Scholar
  • RSVP via the eventbrite link

Feel free to contact us via the form on the homepage. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.


Next Meet-up Thursday 25th February 6:30pm

Join us at RMIT’s Swanston Academic Building , 445 Swanston Street Melbourne (Building 80, Level 3, Room 6 – different room from last time, go up the escalators and turn right past the IT Service Point)


  • Justin Krisko from JAMF Software will be talking about the future directions for Casper Suite
  • we have a couple of spots vacant for lightning talks. Have you been working on something that the Apple admin community might find interesting?
  • refreshments afterwards at the Oxford Scholar (sponsored by JAMF Software)
  • RSVP via the eventbrite link

Feel free to contact us via the form on the homepage. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.
